Friday, June 26, 2009

ni & the World of Coca-Cola

在World of Coca-Cola裡,完全感受不到室外的炎熱!而且,這兒有個展示廳有沙發可以讓我們坐下來休息、看個廣告、架子上有許多不同的可口可樂商品,連燈飾都和吊扇都是可口可樂的! 讓人來享受一下全都被可口可樂包圍的感受~呵呵!這也是ni可以爬上爬下,跑跑跳跳的地方~



Anonymous said...

How come nini is drinking Iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts but not coke at the World of Coca-Cola?
Ling e e

Esther said...

To Ling e e,

hahaa..that was just water la~~~
we ordered ice tea and saved the cup for water~ hahaa...we don't drink coffee la