Tuesday, September 9, 2014

nini's 6th tooth

晚餐後,Nini 和Titi 吵著要吃西瓜!Ni 爸切了幾片西瓜分給大家....
突然....聽到nini 慘叫+狂哭!!!
NiNi 大哭: 「Oh!!!!!!! NO!!!!!! My tooth!!! My tooth!!! I swallowed my tooth!!!!!!」
但是,聽到Ni狂哭成這樣,Ni 媽嚇了一跳,連忙抱著流著血的Nini安慰她:「It's ok!! Don't worry!!」希望她冷靜下來....
Ni 爸很鎮定:「I told you let me cut it into small pieces! Don't eat like this (big slices)~ Don't cry know! Let me see!.....」

結果,Ni爸:「Wait! Look!!!」
哈哈哈哈!!! Nini的牙齒卡在西瓜上啦!!!!!!

這讓nini破涕為笑!!讓ni 媽鬆了一口氣!!!

止完血,nini又繼續吃西瓜了! 吃著吃著,她突然說要去清洗這顆牙齒!

沒一分鐘,又聽到Nini 狂哭!! 大叫!! 
Nini :「Oh!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! I lost my tooth!!!I lost my tooth!!! what should i do??? I can't find it now!!!」

Nini 哭的肝腸寸斷、亂七八糟,一直說:「Tooth Fairy will be very mad at me! How can i find my tooth back??!! Oh No! Oh No!!! It's all my fault!!! ..............」

這一哭,起碼哭了半個小時以上!! 可見她有多傷心!!!

我和Ni爸還告訴她:「Tooth fairy is FAIRY!! She has pixie dust and must know a way to find it! Plus, it's high tech now! I believe she can find it...」

Nini 哭得好傷心:「No way!!! It is SO DIRTY down there!! Who wants to go down there and look for a tiny tooth??! She will be VERY MAD at me!! It's all my fault!! I'm so sorry!!! How can i get my tooth back?!!!!」

我們決定寫張紙條給tooth fairy,希望tooth fairy 不要生氣!也希望她能找到那顆遺失的牙齒!!!


【Ni 6Y】

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