Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine Dinner

● Valentine Dinner ●
一年一度的情人節又到了!! 今年,該怎麼過呢,哈....每年都是出去用餐,去年是Gyu-Kaku日式燒烤、前年和在之前去了一家法式餐廳、美式牛排..等。今年,不同於往年,錢,真的得要省著點用! 哈哈....所以呢...我早早就提議今年我們還事慶祝,但....在家吃吧!我來試著準備情人節晚餐吧~

哈! 沒錯! 今年!!! 自己煮 在家吃~ 有George Foreman Grill 真的很好用! 這個grill 可是我還在唸書的時候買的,雖然不是那個最大的grill,對小家庭可是夠用啦~~~ 把多餘的油脂瀝掉,健康滿分~ yeah~ 努力的找個recipe-- Steaks With Barbeque Butter,研究了一下,並不會太難~ 便決定要來自製情人節晚餐!

● Steaks With Barbeque Butter ●

4 6 oz. Steaks (T-bone steak or Ribeye)
(我用Ribeye, 而且一片約9-10 oz.,所以,以下份量我用三倍,但是,看到奶油和鹽也要一起增加...我就覺得有點太多.....所以...奶油和鹽的部份我只用兩倍)

Barbeque Butter:

2 T. Worcestershire sauce 2 湯匙 Worcestershire sauce

1/4 c. Low Fat Margarine 1/4 杯 奶油 (盡量用低脂)

1/4 c. Green Onion, Chopped 1/4 杯 洋蔥 (切塊)

1 t. Salt 1 茶匙 鹽

1/4 t. Black Pepper 1/4 茶匙 黑胡椒粉

1 Green Pepper 1 青椒 ( 自己加進去的)


If use T-bone steaks,remove any visible Fat from the steaks.
為了健康把過多的油脂切掉,T-bone 牛排有很juicy 但是很油啦。

Preheat the grill for 5 minutes. Grill 預熱五分鐘。

1. In a small bowl, combine the Worcestershire sauce, margarine, green ionions. salt and pepper. 在小碗中把Worcestershire sauce,奶油,洋蔥,鹽和黑胡椒粉拌勻。
(我沒有把洋蔥一起扮下去,放在Grill 上跟牛排一起grill...有點難)

2. Place the steaks in the grill and cover each with the barbeque butter.
把牛排的兩面都沾滿之前所伴的醬料,放在Grill 上烤。

3. Gril the steaks for 8-9 minutes, or according to your preference.

4. 我自己加的! 我把剩下的醬料、洋蔥、青椒,用小鍋子煮開,等一下可以當醬汁。加點糖,才不會太酸..

As the butter melts, it will run into the drip tray.
烤的時候,奶油會融 ,會跟過多的油脂一起留到承接油的盤子上。( George Foreman Grill )

Serves 4. 四人份 (我的是兩人份)

** T-bone steaks are juicy and delicious, but they can also be very high in fat. To control that fat, use a sharp knife to remove as much visible fat as possible and keep portions small.

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