Friday, December 16, 2011


photo by Gene
晚上,我們和教會的一群弟兄姊妹一起參加在Chelsea, Manhattan 的St. Peter's Episcopal Church的TSC的聖誕音樂會。我們也有參加去年的Light 聖誕音樂會。真是超棒的演出!!這次不單只有聖誕詩歌,還有古典的,重點是我們Lynn姨姨還有部分是獨唱耶!!我們這些粉絲歌迷怎麼可以不去捧場!我們這次有20幾30位弟兄姊妹去吧!!哈哈!!!真是個陣容堅強的粉絲團!就差拉布條、海報喊Lynn 姨姨, I Love You了!哈哈哈哈!!

這個St. Peter's Episcopal Church,光是聽名字就覺得是個古老的教會,果然!!他們連會堂內的一排排的座位都有個小門,入座後還得把門關起來! 這樣的設計,對其他人可能不太方便,但是對於我們家可是一大優點! 還記的六月份的音樂會,我幫TSC拍照,我走到哪,nini就跟到哪;有一次nini跑到樂團前面、指揮的正後方,從那兒一路從中間走道跑到會堂的正後方!!我和ni爸差點沒昏倒! 深怕指揮事後問那到底是誰家的小孩,下次那家人列黑名單,不準出現在TSC的音樂會!!! 所以,這個教會的椅子實在是太好了!我們一家三口坐一排,然後關上門! nini跑不出去!!!哈哈哈! 這次為了讓nini安分一點,我一張照片也沒照,打算一家三口一起好好的欣賞、享受這場音樂盛宴!

今晚演唱的每一首歌都很棒,都很感動人心。我們都很開心看到Lynn獨唱! 真是太棒了! ni爸最喜歡的是The First Noel! 我最喜歡Glory!Glory!和I have seen the light!!
Glory! Glroy!不僅把救主降生的喜樂、歡欣唱出來,還聲勢浩大,讓聽眾感受到「在至高之處榮耀歸與神」的震撼而對這位神起了敬畏的心!
而I Have Seen The Light則是很感動我,三位主唱的音色超棒!把這首歌的感動帶了出來!

I was a seeker for light in a dark world,
I looked for truth but settled for lies.
I had been blinded, I couldn't see
Till the Star in Bethlehem's sky opened my eyes.

I have seen the Light shining in the darkness,
Bursting through the shadows, delivering the dawn.
I have seen the Light whose holy name is Jesus,
His kingdom is forever; He reigns on Heaven's throne!

There in a manger, an innocent baby;
Who could believe He was the One;
I can believe it, I know it's true;
He changed my life; He is the light; He is God's Son!

I have seen the Light shining in the darkness,
Bursting through the shadows, delivering the dawn.
I have seen the Light whose holy name is Jesus,
His kingdom is forever; He reigns on Heaven's throne!
We must tell the world what we've seen today in Bethlehem!
He's the promised King; we bow down and worship Him!
Worship Christ The King!

I have seen the Light shining in the darkness,
Bursting through the shadows, delivering the dawn.
I have seen the Light whose holy name is Jesus,
His kingdom is forever; He reigns on Heaven's throne!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Esther.
Glorify to the Lord!