Thursday, August 30, 2007


剛剛在聽Action Bible Songs, 小小babe就在我肚子裡打拍子&回應!

Onward,Christian Soldiers

1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

2. At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

3. Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
this through countless ages men and angels sing.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

粗體字是小小babe打拍子的地方! ^^

還有聽 "Zacchaeus","Father Abrham", "I'm in the Lord's Amy" 和很多歌也是....
而且動的比"Onward, Christian soldiers"還多~哈哈~
特別是那個Father Abrham 哈哈~
雖然拍子打的有點off.... :P 不過,你這樣回應詩歌,我是很開心啦~~ ^^

小小babe,我希望你對音樂敏銳一點~ ^^

1 comment:

IceCreampuff said...
