Sunday, February 23, 2014

evil Jezebel

睡前, nini:「Mommy, can you read this book?」
ni ma:"「Which one?」我當時正忙著替 Titi換尿片....
nini:「It's from 睡夢鄉,something, something, something, 的something something....」
ni ma @___@:「你在說什麼阿?!什麼something something 的something?!?!」
ni:「 I can't read chinese! I only know 的!!!」
原來,他要我念,「葡萄園的秘密」, 他只認得「的」ㄧ個字!!哈哈哈哈~
然後bedtime bible story我就念這本給兩個孩子聽。才念完第一頁。
nini又說了:「Mom, the queen is very pretty!」
ni ma:「yes. she is pretty! but she is very evil! do you remember her name? 」
ni ma:「yes, Jezebel. Pretty is not a person only has a good looking and with beautiful makeup.... the most important is it needs a good heart to bring out the true beauty!! ...」正當媽媽在碎碎念的時候....

nini:「I know, I know!! You told me a million times already....But you know what, mommy!! Jezebel is pretty, but she is not as pretty as you.」
ni ma 很驚訝:「oh! wow....thank you!!!」 (ni ma was thinking: such a sweet talker...)

nini又繼續:「Jezebel is evil, but she is not as evil as you!!」
ni ma :「WHAT?! say that again?!」

nini又重複了ㄧ遍:「I said:Jezebel is evil, but she is not as evil as you! 」
ni ma:「 OH!!!!!! I didn't know I'm THAT EVIL!!! That's why you always sing :" ♫♫I got the eyes of the tiger..♫♫."??!!」

ni thought a little bit and laugh:「No no no! Mommy!!! I'm so sorry!!!! I wanna say: Jezebel is pretty but she is not as pretty as you. And She is evil. But you are not evil!!! I'm so sorry, Mommy!! 」

ni ma:「That's I know how evil I am in your heart......」

我的媽阿,原來我那麼惡毒阿!說我是tiger就算了,我今天才知道原來在她心中我居然比耶洗別還壞!!! 糟了糟了~~這下該怎麼辦才好....

【Ni 6Y】

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