Sunday, February 23, 2014


今天在教會吃早餐的時候,吃沒幾口,nini就吐得亂七八糟的。 原來,她今天早上ㄧ整個爬不起來不是因為昨晚看Rio 看太晚! 是因為身體不舒服!!!

雖然她吐了,但是除了全身沒力、肚子有一點痛之外,也沒發燒,沒怎樣。我今天還要帶children worship,還要教主日學,Richard也要教主日學,想了一下,還是等服事完在去看醫生吧! 就打給診所約下午三點鐘的約診。
原本,她只穿長袖+hoodie 外套,但她會冷,我就趕快要她在把外套也穿著!她就這樣,懶洋洋的,不太說話的坐在後面....

children worship的時候,我在前面帶詩歌,她整個然癱軟在椅子上,我跟她打個手勢告訴她,累就睡,沒關係。結果,她就真的一路睡到聚會結束,還流口水咧! 哈哈!

本來她沒力氣去主日學,打算跟我一起在我班上,但是,被Jimmy  抓下去了...

Dr.:「ok, Stephanie, i think you are ok now. but i will give you a medication to stop vomiting, in case if you throw up again.....」

Ni:「Dr. If I'm ok. I don't want the medicine.」

Dr.:「 Well, if you don't throw up, you don't need to take it. Keep it, just in case..」

Ni:「 But what if i don't throw up? That will be a waste....or maybe i can keep it for Titi if she throw up one day!」

Dr.:「oh! I hope your sister will not need it!」

Ni:「 Well, i just don't want to waste it...」

Dr.:「How about this, I will not send the prescription to pharmacy. I just print it out and if you need, go get it; if no need, don't get it. This way, we will not waste it!! Good?!」

Ni:「GREAT! Thanks. Doc!」

哈哈哈哈哈哈!! 真是個不浪費的小孩!!Good  girl!! 哈哈哈~~
居然還說要省下來給她妹妹!!! 真是謝謝她了!

醫生以為她是因為不想吃藥,所以不要拿藥。後來知道她是因為不想浪費,醫生蠻驚訝的也很開心。醫生沒把處方簽直接傳到藥房,把處方簽印出來,如果需要,再去拿。沒有需要,就不拿! 這樣,兩全其美!不浪費,我也安心!

【Ni 6Y】

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