Friday, December 21, 2007


這個星期做了洗髮皂,還想動手做些東西,星期天把一些自己做的手工餅乾和婆婆分享,他還蠻喜歡的~ 還問我怎麼做的! 今天,看看All-Purpose Flour沒剩多少了,乾脆拿來做個最後一批手工餅乾吧!

換個不同的口味好了! 這次來做個不加蛋、軟的麥片葡萄乾餅乾!


2 sticks butter, soft (我用1.5 sticks)
2 cups light brown sugar, packed (我用1.5 cup)
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt (省略)
1 tsp. vanilla (省略)
2 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup raisins, rolled in flour (我只用沒有flour的葡萄乾,沒差吧!我想..)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar (我用1/2 cup)
2 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. vinegar
1 cup chopped pecans (optional,省略)

1.Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Combine sugars and butter. Add vanilla, water, and vinegar; mix well.

In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder and soda, followed by salt. Combine the two mixtures together. Add raisins, which have been lightly rolled in flour, and oats; mix together well. Add pecans if desired.

3. Roll dough in small balls with about 6-9 cookies per ingreased cookie sheet.

4. Bake for 10-12 minutes. (我個人認為,10分鐘不太夠,我烤了12-13分鐘)
Cookies won't look ready at 10 minutes but take out and let sit for 5 minutes in order to be chewy.

1 comment:

IceCreampuff said...

威嫂 + 威爺 + 小若雅來祝Esther和肚子裡的北鼻聖誕快樂!!!

今年的聖誕節上帝差派聖誕老公公, 送給了威爺和威嫂ㄧ個很特別的聖誕禮物, 那就是充滿神恩典的小若雅, 感謝主, 今年也是小若雅的第ㄧ個聖誕節, 我們打算帶她去美國的新墨西哥過聖誕, 所以ㄧ個禮拜後見喔! Happy Holidays!!!

Praise the Lord! This year is a very blessing year for Will and I. A very very special heavenly gift for this Christmas — "ZOYA"!!! With Zoya's first Christmas, we are taking her to our road trip to New Mexico for a week. Happy Holiday to you all!

HE is the reason for the season!
Wish you a wonderful holiday season with God's blessing!

Janice + Will + Zoya \(^0^)Y