Monday, February 20, 2012

ni語錄 - North Pole

nini和我在聊天,聊著聊著,nini說:「mommy, I like North Pole so much.」
(mommy, 我很喜歡北極。)

ni ma:「oh?! Why? Why you like North Pole so much?」
(喔? 為什麼? 為什麼你那麼喜歡北極?)

nini:「Because it is very snowy over there. I like snow. And I'm gong to visit Santa, elves and Polar bears. If Lynn E E helps Santa there, I will visit her, too. 」
(因為那裏有很多雪,我喜歡雪。而且,我要去拜訪聖誕老公公,小精靈和北極熊。如果Lynn 姨姨也在那邊幫忙聖誕老公公的話,我也會去看她。)

nini繼續說:「I will bring chocolate milk for Santa's reindeers and gifts for Santa. He always gives me gifts. I want to give him gifts, too. And I will give elfs a lot of fruit. I think they like to eat fruit.」
(我會帶巧克力牛奶給聖誕老公公的馴鹿,會帶禮物給聖誕老公公。他常常給我禮物,我也要給他禮物。 然後,我也會給小精靈水果吃。我想他們會喜歡吃水果的。)

ni ma:「reindeers喝 chocolate milke 嗎? 我以為是你自己要喝的!」

nini:「I like chocolate milk. I think they will like chocolate milk, too.」

nini繼續說:「I think I will not visit seals, they are too fat. and I will not visit snow fox. I don't like fox. Maybe I will see snow rabbits there. They are cute.」
(我想我不會去看海豹,他們太胖了。我也不會去看雪狐, 我不喜歡狐狸。我可能會去看雪兔,他們很可愛!)

ni ma:「是喔,你那麼想去North Pole(北極)喔! 你不怕冷嗎? 那邊很冷很冷耶~」

nini:「It's ok. I can wear 6 jackets and 3 gloves and wear hat... and I will not feel cold.」

ni ma:「好啊,哪天你要去的時候,跟我說,我也要去!我也沒去過北極。我也想去看看!!」



Anonymous said...

Nini 以為我有時也住在North Pole 嗎?I don't think I will live there. It's too cold. Tell nini maybe I will see Santa in Iceland. LOL
Lin e e

Esther said...

"Lin" e e ,

他知道你不住那邊! 但是,你聖誕節的時候跟他說你會去那邊幫忙聖誕老公公~~
所以,他說"如果你剛好也在那邊幫忙"的話,他也會去看你!! XDDDD

have fun in Iceland啦!!