Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Orla Kiely

忍了很久,我也終於豁出去跟著另外三個瘋姊妹瘋下去了~不過,我是最不瘋的,我只買了這些,而且還有兩個serving bowl 不是我的~ 哈哈!和芭姊姊、Carol 姊姊和Clara姊姊比起來,我是很克制的了!我在想,要是我還在上班的話,我肯定買的不只這些...哈哈~

Orla Kiely的餐盤、杯子、掛鉤等等真的很可愛,但是本人是伸手牌的,資本不夠多,很想買杯子,但是我家的杯子不論是玻璃的還是瓷的,真的很多了,Disney的、在瑞典、丹麥買的、鶯歌陶瓷的,夏令營營地送的...以前念書的時候東買西買真的買了不少~ 所以現在沒藉口買杯子了...

今天去Target 碰了一次釘子,一位老的白服務員臉臭臭的不願意替我從貨倉調東西出來,我繞了一圈,不死心,再找另外一個,看起來友善一點的,但是,他請另外一個黑女生去back room替我找東西。這位黑小姐心腸好,在我跟他說明我要的產品之後,幫我找到了三箱東西~ 其他的,他說沒看到,大概要等一陣子才有。我已經非常感謝這位黑小姐的熱心,在我和黑小姐拆箱子的時候,那位老白先生三不五時在我們旁邊走動,還斜眼看我,低咕低咕的,我有點不太好意思,但是還是跟他微笑了一下。我還再跟黑小姐問其他的產品,她說沒看到了,之後應該會有吧!(我想,應該是他不知道在哪裡才是....算了,過兩天再來晃晃...再來問....)

買完,已經有點晚了,火速開車去接我老闆Richard下班,還好沒塞車~ (也還好,反正他天天加班~ 哈!)
他看到這些碗盤,瞪著大眼說:「...who will pay $xx+tax for this bowl?..」

我:「Carol, Barbara and Clara...and me..... well, this bowl is kind of big.. bigger than my head! that means it can put a lot stuff in...and it's cute.. and... and.....」

Richard笑著說:「..ok, you can keep 1! but JUST ONE! don't keep 3 of them. we only have 3 people. don't need such a big bowl for each of us..we don't drink that much soup...這些從你的零用錢裡扣...還有,don't hang around with them...還有,你最好讓我看到這些碗盤不是放著好看的而已... 」



snoo said...

You will '過兩天再來晃晃...再來問....'? richard will kill me!!!

Fan said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for stimulating our economy. Carol, Barbara, Clara and you did a great job. Tell Richard I tell you that. =P

Anonymous said...

After looking at your photos I think I like the Brown big pear serving bowl the most. =) Orla Kiely is such a brilliant designer!!

By the way, tell your boss that it's actually okay to "hang around" with Clara because she can teach you how to make extra income for living..haha, how's that?!

I still have no idea how big the serving bowl is, can you put the bowl on NiNi's head and take a picture? that case I might have an idea how big the serving bowl is =D =D


Tong said...

it is bigger than kenny chan's head.

Anonymous said...

Then i should ask Kenny to wear the bowl and take a picture instead =D =D =D

Esther said...

to Fan,
其實可以裝的東西很多~ 可以裝湯,可以裝雜物,可以放水果~
我都想好了~ 哈哈哈哈哈

Esther said...

to Carol,

我應該把ni放在serving bowl裡照一張~

Esther said...

to Ling,
I know! We are helping the economy!! hahaaa...

Esther said...

to clara,
haha.. yes.. bigger than kenny's head! Bigger than everyone's head!!!

that's hard to put on ni's head..
but.. maybe I can put nini to sit in the bowl ... hahaa~
(that means the bowl is bigger than ni's butt! haha~~~)

i like the big pear,too..
that's the one i will keep!
if you want, I'll try to find another big pear serving bowl for you ..... ^^

snoo said...

Esther the other Target at Queens!!!

Esther said...

to Carol,
what? which target?rego park?
you found anything else?