Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ni語錄 - Congratulations


想不到,這孩子居然笑容滿面地走向她爸說:「Daddy, you help me to clean up the blocks and I will say "Congratulations! " to you!」

ni爸:「oh? but, mommy asked you to do it. not me!」

ni:「but I will say" Congratulations " to you !!」


才轉頭,ni就看到他之前在玩的銅板,也是亂七八糟的,又跟他爸說:「and if you help me to clean up the coins, I will say "Congratulations " to you ,too! 」

ni爸笑著回答她:「if I help you to clean up all the coins, they will be all mine. not yours any more.」

ni愣了一下:「oh! I'll do it by myself then...」 
(喔~ 那我自己收就好了....)

這種小孩,講好聽叫做腦筋動得快,叫做聰明;講難聽點叫做狡猾。 希望她以後這種小聰明用在正確的事上面!!!


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