Tuesday, January 3, 2012

ni語錄 - my friends

nini:「I have a lot good friends, like Hannah, Kristen, Chloe, Kimberly, Sophia. Five, I go  five friends.」(我有很多好朋友,像是Hannah, Kristen, Chloe, Kimberly, Sophia)

ni mama:「I think you have more than five friends. how about those 姨姨 uncle 們? Are they your friends?」

nini:「oh! YES! They are my friends, too! Phebe e e, Jenny e e, Lynn e e, Cirrus e e, Barbara e e, Uncle Pat, Uncle Gene And I have daddy mommy, too. You are my best friends! 」
(喔,對!!他們也是我的朋友! Phebe e e, Jenny e e, Lynn e e, Cirrus e e, Barbara e e, Uncle Pat, Uncle Gene ! 然後,daddy mommy也是!你們也是我最好的朋友!)

ni mama:「Thanks! You are one of my best friends, too!! I love you.  ....oh! you know what! uncle K is sad because you didn't mention him on the card you gave to Santa!! he wrote "how come you didn't ask Santa to visit Uncle K's big house!!"on facebook! 」
(謝謝!你也是我的好朋友之一!我愛你!.....喔~你知道嗎? uncle K有點難過,你在給聖誕老公公的卡片上沒有提到要聖誕老公公也去拜訪他的大房子!!他有寫在facebook上!)

nini:「WHAT?! he saw the card??!」

哈哈哈哈!!糟糕! 這應該只between nini和Santa,是吧! 正當我還在想怎麼接話的時候....

nini:「And ....GOD!! Jesus is my best friend, too!!」

太好了!!感謝主! 很高興nini說耶穌也是她最好的朋友之一! 我為nini禱告,希望她的一生都有耶穌當她最好的朋友!!



uwha said...

好媽媽教出個好孩子!thumbs up! :)

Esther said...

