Monday, December 12, 2011

Honey Wheat Bread


honey wheat bread / 蜂蜜全麥麵包


1.Dissolve a little over 2 teaspoons of yeast in a cup of 110 degree water (Fahrenheit). (大概比體溫高一點!)
2.Add 2 generous squirts of honey, stir. Let sit for 10 minutes to get foamy and exciting. (我用了快半杯的蜂蜜)
3. Add 3 cups of flour (either all 3 bread flour, or 2 bread flour + 1 wheat flour) (我用2杯bread flour + 1杯全麥麵粉)

4.Add 1 teaspoon of salt
5.Add 1/4 cup veggie oil (我用融化了的奶油)
Set the machine to the sandwich bread/white bread setting. (我的設定是wheat bread)

我們的早餐吃jam & bread! nini和daddy都對這鬆軟的麵包讚賞有加!

謝謝Uncle Pat讓我的攪拌槳平安回家!我們又有好吃的麵包了!!大感謝~~


Anonymous said...

Lynn e e

Esther said...

謝謝~Lynn e e !