Wednesday, December 14, 2011

清燉 v.s. 紅燒

牛肉,我個人偏愛清燉。紅燒我也喜歡啦,但是,和清燉比起來,我覺得清燉比較能吃到牛肉的清甜。我好心地買了牛肉回家,想說天冷,煮個牛肉湯暖暖身子。這下好了,燉了老半天做好的清燉牛肉湯,居然老小都覺得太清淡,要吃紅燒的!我心想:「太清淡!? 你們這兩個重口味的父女!!真是不懂享受清甜的牛肉湯!」但是,少數服從多數,煮的東西總有人吃完,所以,配合他們,把已經煮好的清燉牛肉湯,再加上番茄、醬油和冰糖,改成紅燒牛肉湯!!不論清燉或紅燒,都好吃啦!!在家自己煮都還是比較健康啦!


Gilly said...

Does it taste the same as the Flushing restaurant's 紅燒牛肉麵??

Esther said...

hahah.. I think i did a pretty good job! at least they all finished up!
you can try when you have time! :)
just don't put that much soy sauce like outside restaurant. i made it less salty!